Source code for anisocado.misc

import numpy as np
from import fits
from astropy.table import Table

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm

from anisocado import AnalyticalScaoPsf

[docs] def strehl_map(r=25, dr=3, **kwargs): psf = AnalyticalScaoPsf(**kwargs) x, y = np.mgrid[-r:r+dr:dr, -r:dr+r:dr] strlmap = np.zeros(x.shape) for i in range(len(x)): for j in range(len(y)): psf.shift_off_axis(x[i, j], y[i, j]) strlmap[i, j] = psf.strehl_ratio return strlmap
[docs] def on_axis_strehl_for_kernel_size(Narr=(128, 512, 2048), **kwargs): """Only for the on-axis kernel""" return [AnalyticalScaoPsf(N=N, **kwargs).strehl_ratio for N in Narr]
[docs] def make_psf_grid(r=14, dr=7, **kwargs): psf = AnalyticalScaoPsf(**kwargs) x, y = np.mgrid[-r:r+1:dr, -r:r+1:dr] psf_grid = [] for i in range(len(x)): for j in range(len(y)): psf.shift_off_axis(x[i, j], y[i, j]) psf_grid += [psf.kernel] return psf_grid
[docs] def make_image_of_psf_grid(filt_name="Ks", wave=2.15, for_joss=True): psf_grid = make_psf_grid(wavelength=wave, N=128) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) i = 0 for y in range(5): for x in range(5): plt.subplot(5, 5, 1+x+5*(4-y)) plt.imshow(psf_grid[i], origin="l", norm=LogNorm()) plt.axis("off") plt.title("({}, {})".format((7*x-14), (7*x-14))) i += 1 if for_joss: plt.tight_layout() path = "../docs/joss_paper/{}-band_psf_grid".format(filt_name) plt.savefig(path+".png", format="png") plt.savefig(path+".pdf", format="pdf") else: plt.suptitle("{}-band ({}um) SCAO PSFs".format(filt_name, wave))
# make_image_of_psf_grid("Ks", 2.15) # make_image_of_psf_grid("H", 1.6) # make_image_of_psf_grid("J", 1.2)
[docs] def make_simcado_psf_file(coords, wavelengths, header_cards=None, **kwargs): """ Generate a set of Field-Varying PSF cubes for use with SimCADO Parameters ---------- coords : list of tuples [arcsec] Sample positions of the PSF in field of view. (0, 0) is the centre of the field of view. wavelengths : list [um] The wavelengths for which the PSF should be sampled header_cards : dict, optional Any extra keyword-value pair to be added to the extension 0 header. kwargs ------ Keyword-value pairs accepted by an ``AnalyticalScaoPsf`` object Returns ------- hdulist : fits.HDUList A HDUList object which is formatted for use as a Field-Varying PSF in SimCADO Examples -------- :: import anisocado radii = [1, 3, 5, 10] # arcsec waves = [1.0, 1.2, 1.6, 2.15] # um coords = anisocado.field_positions_for_simcado_psf(radii, theta=60) hdu = anisocado.make_simcado_psf_file(coords=coords, wavelengths=waves, N=512, profile_name="EsoQ1") hdu.writeto("new_scao_psf_cube.fits") """ # accept list of coordinates # accept list of wavelengths # make ext0 # make table for ext1 # initialise PSF # shift to each positions # make hdus for each position # build hdulist # return hdulist x, y = np.array(coords).T layers = np.arange(len(x)) keys = ["AUTHOR", "DATE_CRE", "DATE_MOD", "SOURCE", "STATUS"] ext0_dict = {key: "" for key in keys} ext0_dict["ETYPE"] = "FVPSF" ext0_dict["ECAT"] = (1, "The extension containing the catalogue data") ext0_dict["EDATA"] = (2, "The first extension with real data") ext0_dict.update({"WAVEEXT{}".format(i + 2): w for i, w in enumerate(wavelengths)}) pri_hdr = fits.PrimaryHDU() pri_hdr.header.update(ext0_dict) pri_hdr.header.update(header_cards) ext1_dict = {"NUMPSFS": len(x), "CATTYPE": "table", "CUNIT1": "arcsec"} tbl = Table(data=[x, y, layers], names=["x", "y", "layer"]) cat_hdu = fits.table_to_hdu(tbl) cat_hdu.header.update(ext1_dict) psf_hdus = [] for wave in wavelengths: print("Making psf cube for {} um".format(wave)) psf = AnalyticalScaoPsf(wavelength=wave, **kwargs) kernel_cube = [psf.shift_off_axis(dx, dy) for dx, dy in coords] psf_hdu = psf.hdu = np.array(kernel_cube) psf_hdu.header["WAVE0"] = wave psf_hdu.header["WAVEUNIT"] = "um" psf_hdus += [psf_hdu] hdulist = fits.HDUList([pri_hdr, cat_hdu] + psf_hdus) return hdulist
[docs] def field_positions_for_simcado_psf(radii=None, theta=45): """ Generates a list of field position where the PSF will be sampled The PSF will be sampled at intervals of ``theta`` around concentric circles placed at distances ``radii`` from the centre of the field of view. Default radii are at [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32] arcsec Parameters ---------- radii : list of floats [arcsec] Radii of concentric circles where the PSF will be sampled theta : float [deg] Spacing between PSF samples around each circle Returns ------- coords : list of tuples [arcsec] List of sample positions relative to the centre of the field Examples -------- :: import anisocado cds = anisocado.field_positions_for_simcado_psf(radii=[5, 10], theta=60) hdu = anisocado.make_simcado_psf_file(cds, wavelengths=[1.2, 1.6, 2.2]) """ coords = [(0, 0)] if radii is None: radii = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32] for r in radii: for ang in np.arange(0, 360, theta): coords += [(r * np.cos(np.deg2rad(ang)), r * np.sin(np.deg2rad(ang)))] return coords
[docs] def make_strehl_map_from_coords(coords): x, y = np.array(coords).T from scipy.interpolate import griddata map = griddata((x, y), np.arange(len(x)), np.array(np.meshgrid(np.arange(-25, 26), np.arange(-25, 26))).T, method="nearest") return map